Another prayer was answered in our journey, as we found a wonderful family for our dog Ella. It was just another piece of the puzzle put into place by God's hand. So coming home, from Virginia to no pets in our home felt a little funny. For as long as we can remember we had a family pet of some sort. Well, God who is just perfect at all the details gave us a little blessing before we pack our bags for Ireland. We found a baby bunny hopping around our front step. She seems to like our yard and has been here for weeks now. The children love watching out for her and picking some dandelions leaves which she enjoys. We even gave her a name "Front Runner" because we found her in our front yard.
Front Runner is a term given to a runner who is the leader in a race or competition. Paul compares our faith journey to a race. In 1 Corinthians 9:24, Paul says, "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize". Paul is talking about the front runner. We are called to be front runners, hand in hand with Christ leading this race in life that He has us on.
We are at the end of our itineration "race". We are only given 18 months to "compete" and we have only two more months to get our last 35%! We need your prayers like never before. As soon as we get 15% more, we will begin our visa/passport process. We can not book our flights until we reach 100% of our budget. We need your prayers. Will you believe with us? We need people "running" along side us right now. I was thinking the other day if everyone that could, would commit to giving $5's a week that would be approximately $22 a month and that would take us right pass the "finish line" and into our mission field!
